The Purple Doll's 1st Month!

Sunday, November 13, 2011
My blogsite, The Purple Doll, is celebrating its 1st month today! And since I'm such a weirdo, I gave it a non-reality-existing cake.

Original photo from; editing is by yours truly.

On the 13th of October 2011, about the same time, I purchased this domain and setup this blog. I initially wanted to just return to the blogging world after years of inactivity. But I was never really sure what type of blog I wanted to build.

After a month of happy blogging, I found myself driven to write more about food. So although my url --, doesn't sound like a food blog, I'm happy that it has become a diary for my food and restaurant adventures.

For the 32 days that I've been posting entries here, I am also grateful to have met amusing characters -- bloggers who I truly admire for their personalities and of course, their blogs.

I know it's weird to celebrate such a small milestone of my blogging journey. But nevertheless, I find it important since I've learned a lot not only about the blogging world and its community, but also some things about myself.

So to friends, online buddies, blogmates and to the random people who just accidentally landed here.. Thank you!


  1. Wow congrats! Awesome stats =) So far you're the only reader at my blog but still not disheartened. But, I wish I could write as enticing as you do. =)

  2. Congrats! It's fairly new but obviously getting into the radar of people. Nice!

  3. Happy blog monthsary! Wow, you have great stats! :) And you're new! That is something. :) Continue blogging, it'll make you happy.

  4. happy 1st monthsary! hope to read more of your food-ventures

  5. happy monthsary!

    keep shooting! keep blogging!

  6. Congratulations! No need to apologize, sis, as this is one of the milestones for The Purple Doll. =)

  7. Yayyy! Congrats to you. I love visiting your blog because you always have something interesting to write about food, even if it was just about your snack for the day.:) I've bookmarked your site as well.

  8. Congrats Sumi! I actually hoped the cake existed in real life. Looks so delish!

  9. Sodium Erythorbate *nom nom nom nom*November 14, 2011 at 8:14 PM


  10. Ayay, congrats Sumi! way to go....:)

  11. Congratulations on this and many years to come! :)

  12. Happy monthsary to your blog Sumi! Thank you for sharing wonderful food entries. Thanks for visiting my blog too :)

  13. Thank you so much for the greetings everyone! My blog is happy.. ^^ And we're excited for our 2nd month in the blogging world!

  14. Never thought it was just a month old when I saw the number of entries on your blog. :)Congratulations, Sumi!

  15. Congrats! :) Happy first blog monthsary.

  16. seriously, 1 month pa lang tong blog mo?
    way to go girl. you already established yourself. good job!

  17. That's great news, sis! And you've got great stats. I'm not surprised. This is a very informative blog (although shouldn't be viewed on an empty stomach haha).

    I'm reaching my first monthsary a week from now and I'm only at the 3,691 page views (but I'm already super happy with it hehe). How do you promote your blog, by the way? Can I get some tips? :)

  18. Congrats dear! and thanks for always visiting my site :) Im thinking of buying a new domain too and create new blogs for fashion, travel, etc.. it's gonna be alot of work!


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